Wednesday, November 19, 2014

History of the Trans Am Series

The SCCA Trans Am Series, started out as an endurance racing type championship, but then, evolved into a flat out sprint racing series.  So, it is loosely based on endurance sports car racing, albeit not too much.  However, the great history of the sport, (since it has recently been revitalized... reference the two race broadcasts from modern Trans Am just posted), is still there.  Let's take a look, via a great documentary, at the first three decades of the sport, between it's inception in 1966 and the peak of it's popularity, in the mid 1990's.


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  3. A newer version of this program, has been found. Take an in-depth look, with host, and former Trans Am driver/racing legend, Sam Posey, at the history, of North America's oldest road racing championship.
