Tuesday, May 28, 2019

An Open Letter to the FIA/ACO

To: The Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), and the Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ACO)

You have told us as sports car racing fans, time and time again, you are working on a way to bring a new Hypercar concept to fruition, with production based race cars, and manufacturers at the forefront of the new regulations idea for the 2020-2021 season of the FIA World Endurance Championship.  Folks, you are running out of time.  This current season is ending in just a few short weeks, with the 2019 24 Hours of Le Mans, which I am sure you are focused on making the best race it can possibly be.  With that said, we, the fans of sports car racing, who are so passionate about it and follow it and how it will progress, on a daily basis, want to know, and soon, your new plan.  You seem to want to take a very separate road from the IMSA Daytona Prototype International platform, but in doing so, you have been dragging your feet on new regs that can propel sports car racing into the future, and at the same time, you are losing manufacturer support, which is not good.

Yes, the privateer teams really do act as the backbone of sports car racing, but so do manufacturers.  It has been said that large grids at the races, can be supported, even without major manufacturer involvement.  FIA and ACO, I hope you are prepared to prove this theory right, as it may be where you are headed, if you guys, who obviously are very bright and know sports car racing, can't do anything but sit there and twiddle your collective thumbs as the sun sets on one season while soon rising on another.  Will you let this be a carryover year?  Will you come up with something new, different and exciting?  That remains to be seen.  But, you aren't going to get anywhere, but just looking into a crystal ball and waiting for an idea to fall out of the sky.  You have to be as proactive as possible, and I know that you are.

I urge you to keep discussing ideas with manufacturers and see if you can't bring a few people to the table who might be interested.  The main point is, however, the sands are trickling through the hourglass faster than the hours go by in the race at Le Mans at this point.  It is crunch time, chaps.  What do you have to offer?  What can you tell us about your vision for the future of worldwide sports car racing.  Please.  We need an answer ASAP.

A diehard sports car racing fan

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