Sunday, July 28, 2019

rain, rain go away

We have had persistent rain in the mountainous microclimate of the Ardennes forest that has put the 24 Hours of Spa under a red flag for a long period of time and hopes are in a few hours, the race will be restarted.  Yours truly has followed the whole race so far on the Motor Trend app and wonders what will happen.  There will be some form of race report, eventually.  But, it will be hard to write about perhaps, because of Mother Nature throwing this mega size curveball at the competitors.  It shall make for a fascinating race report, once yours truly has had the time to gather thoughts about how the race went.  Also, stay tuned for a summarization of how the race went down, from another source or two, despite the wet weather that has been hanging around, quite literally, in the Ardennes.  This year’s Spa 24 has been one for the books so far and we shall see what happens as the race lazily ambles towards some kind of conclusion.

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