Saturday, November 12, 2022

Changing Plans

Man oh man.  Technology can really throw curveballs into the mix when you least expect it to.  Once again, the app I tried using for the 8 Hours of Bahrain, the Motor Trend app, has played up on me.  So, while I do hope to bring the race to you in it's entirety, that just might not happen today.  Will try for tomorrow or maybe later on in the week.  It is tough to deal with having plans rearranged.  But, as Steve McQueen said "racing is life, and anything that happens before or after, is only waiting."  So, we'll see you down the road for the Bahrain coverage in full, I surely hope.  For now, take care, everybody, and go back and read a post on the most recent race at Fuji that has been published here.  I think you will appreciate that one.  

So, here's the plan for the old switcheroo.  Two months ago, in September, I had everything pulled together for the 6 Hours of Fuji and never got to post that due to other sports car races getting in the way.  So, after much delay, I shall post the 6 Hours of Fuji and related content today and tomorrow.  Then, as promised, we shall get to the 8 Hours of Bahrain, next week.  So, coming up without further ado is the 6 Hours of Fuji, and then, you will hear all about the finale in Bahrain.  I promise that to you all.  Believe me.  Lots of action still to come.  Stay tuned.

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