Saturday, January 23, 2021

Action Express Rolex 24 Diary Entry #2: Snookered

Just when you think everything is going your way, along comes a trap that you'll have to dig out of.  So it is, for Action Express as we look ahead to the Motul Pole Award 100 tomorrow afternoon at Daytona International Speedway.  Initially, in qualifying today, we earned a well deserved pole position for the chosen driver lineup in #31 of Felipe Nasr and Mike Conway.  But, then along come those pesky race stewards, determining that the pole sitting Cadillac (the first of our two cars on the team) is deemed to be under the weight limit, which does not make a whole lot of sense especially since we race the heaviest car in the Daytona Prototype International division.  

Our sister car, the #48 to be shared by Jimmie Johnson and Kamui Kobayashi, is starting right in the next spot.  So, it is an AXR lockout on the third row of the grid.  But, we shall have to press our way to the front having to get by the #55 Mazda and the #5 JDC-Miller Motorsports Mustang Sampling Cadillac in the hands of Sebastien Bourdais and Tristan Vautier, as well as the #60 MSR Acura DPi of Olivier Pla and Dane Cameron.  All I can say to those blokes ahead of us on the grid, we will pass you, and you guys better be prepared to eat our dust, because we Expect To Win, and expect to have a front row sweep for the Rolex 24.  This penalty is nothing more than an annoyance.  We respect the rule makers who allow us to go racing, but that doesn't mean agreeing with their decisions all of the time.  That's... well, forget it.  It is all about the race tomorrow, and Action Express will be in it to win it.  You can count on that.

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