Sunday, January 24, 2021

Action Express Rolex 24 Diary Entry #3: What a difference a day makes

Yesterday, we lost pole position due to a silly technicality.  Today, we are on top of the world!  We are on pole for the 59th Rolex 24 at Daytona!  Felipe Nasr and Pipo Derani were ultimately chosen to drive in the qualifying race per what our team decided and that was the right call, with our two main drivers.  The race was kind of iffy at the start with that rain shower.  But once everything cleared up, AXR made their way to the front.  #48 for Jimmie Johnson and Kamui Kobayashi were in sixth place, for most of the event and made a good showing for Jimmie’s first time back in a sports car in a decade.  He too, ran very well.  A solid top ten for our team mates, but a win once more for the venerable #31 crew.  Bring on the race, next weekend.  We have a whole week to revel in this pole position and a good way to start the 2021 season off with a bang.  I said this would be our year at Action Express, and so far, I have been proven right.  Stay tuned for more.  You’ve not seen the last of this team at Daytona sports car Speedweeks just yet.  Our team motto is Expect To Win, and we did so, in fine style, today.

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