Thursday, December 1, 2022

Team Kuwait on Home Pole for 12H Kuwait

Pole position on home soil for all-Kuwaiti Porsche crew...

It appears Motor Trend shall have coverage of tomorrow's race in full, on their app, beginning dark and early at 2AM Central Time, 3AM Eastern Time if you have access to the app and wish to watch.  Cannot say for sure, but I would assume too, the race shall be streamed on the Creventic 24H Series YouTube channel.  So, if you can, and are willing to be up dark and early to see it, I encourage you to check it out.

Stay tuned for a race summary link in the afternoon once the 12 Hours is complete.  I believe this is an event that should run straight through without any kind of mid-race intervention stoppage for drivers to get some rest.  However, that too, I cannot exactly confirm as of yet.  Nonetheless, it should be a fun event to watch in spite of the fact that it is a small field and I believe just over 20 cars will start.  I think the 24 -hour races get larger entries in the high 30s and low 40s in terms of car count in this championship.

But, you ought to enjoy the race nonetheless.

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