Saturday, March 19, 2016

12 Hours of Sebring: Hour 4

We are now into the fourth hour, and as the rain dissipates, the water will have to drain a bit, before we can go back to racing.  If you are watching on Fox Sports, you are seeing a replay of the first third of this great race, and that action, was phenomenal, as you've read on the blog so far today.  So far, 67 laps have been completed.  247.9, almost 250 miles.  Two crew members from each car, can now, start warming up the cars.  We continue to wait.  So, keep watching the earlier race highlights. 

Remember, the race clock, continues to run.  As we anticipate going back to green, four hours, and 24 minutes, have elapsed.  Serious weather has moved through.  We hoping to go back to racing in the next half hour, to 45 minutes.  In the meantime, please read my blog posts, from the opening three hours of this awesome motor race we have been witnessing.  

Cleanup continues.  The rain will let up, soon, at about 3:45 P.M. Eastern Time.  It won't be long now.  Good news.  The cars and drivers, are in pit lane now.  Drivers are headed to the cars.  We hope to be live, bringing you more racing action, soon. 

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