Friday, December 29, 2023

EDITORIAL: Earth to Creventic

Earth to Creventic, the organizers of the 24-Hour Series and the 24 Hours of Dubai among other races.  Red alert, red light on.  It is becoming apparent that your series is in trouble, especially now that you have been forced (into something, admittedly, not of your own doing, chaps, so, I cannot blame you and will not blame you, directly).  But your championship is definitely in a deep valley, currently.  You all used to be able to reasonably schedule your endurance races to not conflict with other championships globally.  What happened?  I am sorry to tell you but trying to run the 24 Hours of Dubai on the same weekend as IMSA's marquee event with the Rolex 24 at Daytona, is going to make it very tough for you all.  I admire and appreciate how well you treat and take care of the teams and drivers that choose to race in your championship.

Your race organization and officiating are top notch.  You attract many and a wide variety of entries for GT3, GT4, TCR, and experimental GT racing cars.  That is all fabulous.  Kudos to you in that respect.  However, these scheduling issues, not of your own making you understand, will undermine all the great work you have been doing unless you take a step back and analyze your plans for the racers and the teams going forward.  I believe too that there are world events currently taking place that are also having a great impact on your plans.  

I do hope your series continues successfully.  But, you are going to have a very difficult time if these scheduling clashes with other endurance races from other global championships, worldwide, are going to be an issue.  There have been overlaps with your events and some of the great, well-known endurance races and their recent iterations.  Daytona and the Rolex 24 and Le Mans and the 24 Hours of Le Mans, are two of these that come to mind, while these particular races in question have far more prestige.  The Dubai 24 Hours, I believe, is your most meaningful event that everybody wants to win.  I totally understand that and where you are coming from with promoting it.

It has gone from strength to strength for years and years now.  I balance my critiques with positive aspects of what you are doing.  But it sounds like your organization, your championship, shall need to become more adaptable.  Maybe, reduce the number of championships drivers and teams can be eligible for.  Maybe, rework the schedule in the future so conflicts with other races can be avoided.  That is a massive ask.  I know it.  Also, because of this clash we have seen, your fans like me, it is harder for us to tune in, even to the broadcasts of your races on YouTube, that you have thankfully archived, because of a lack of time.

Maybe consider adjusting your schedule in the future, and then, you might be able to cater better to participants and fans alike.  You have a wonderful idea, a wonderful thing going here, a fantastic opportunity for drivers at all levels of the sport of endurance sports car racing.  But it is up to you, to iron out the kinks, to repair the cracks in the armor, to make sure the series is viable and successful.  I trust you will take heed of these warnings and do the best within your power to maybe iron out the issues.  Then, your championship, will flourish, from a standpoint of the quality of the racing, the drivers and teams who will be able to compete, and perhaps, even bigger car counts.  The ball is in your court, Creventic.  I urge you to strategize your plays wisely, to be winners in the game.  Good luck.  

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