Wednesday, January 24, 2024

More video from SethV Tube at the Roar Before the Rolex 24

More video from SethV Tube from the Roar Before the Rolex 24.

Roar Before the Rolex 24 - GTP cars only warm up run | v12 Daytona - Jan 21, 2024

Roar Before the Rolex 24 - GTD / GTD Pro qualifying | v13 Daytona - Jan 21, 2024

Roar Before the Rolex 24 - LMP2 cars qualifying | v14 Daytona - Jan 21, 2024

Roar Before the Rolex 24 - GTP cars qualifying | v15 Daytona - Jan 21, 2024

Roar Before the Rolex 24 - Post Qualifying Inspections | v16 Daytona - Jan 21, 2024

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