Friday, March 22, 2024

An Update on Where Things Stand

Ladies and gentlemen, I am still working on the 12 Hours of Sebring and will post the updates for how the race went, soon, I hope.  One of the other championships I am also planning to bring you coverage of, mostly in video form is the Creventic 24 Hour Series.  I shall post video of the 24 Hours of Dubai and the 6 Hours of Abu Dhabi when I can, followed by videos of this weekend's race which is the two-part round in the Tuscany region of Italy, the 12 Hours of Mugello.  There will be SRO races, IMSA races, and another FIA WEC race coming up in the month of April.  SRO America and SRO Europe will both start their championships soon.  Working to stay up to date on all of this.  There is plenty more to come.  Do stay tuned.


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