Saturday, September 26, 2020

an update on the Nurburgring 24 Hours so far

Despite rain affecting the race the whole way through, everything was running smoothly for the opening, oh, seven or so hours at the Nurburgring, and then, mother nature intervened in the Eiffel Mountains and the skies opened, big style, putting the race under red flag conditions until Sunday morning, for safety concerns. Here's what has happened so far.

Marciello Takes Lead in Wet Opening Stint
HRT's Metzger Moves into Lead after Four Hours
The first real surprise of the motor race, as the HRT Mercedes, crashes out, from the lead!
Leading HRT Mercedes Crashes Out of Contention

More trouble for Mercedes as Raffaele Marciello spins out of the lead of the motor race as well!  Mercedes' race has gone pear shaped!

Marciello Spins Out From Lead as Audi Moves Into 1-2-3
Then, as if things couldn't get wackier, Mother Nature steps in and pours buckets more of rain over the Nordschleife, forcing a red flag after only seven of the 24 hours are in the bag.
Nurburgring 24 Red-Flagged  after Seven Hours due to Rain
FYI.  The race will restart at 2:00 A.M. Eastern Time, 1:00 A.M. Central Time, for the run to the finish, that is, if the rain hasn't gotten any worse.  So, for now, get some rest, and we'll see you tomorrow, with another race report, highlighting however many hours we will have until the finish, as the clock continues to tick.  Gute Nacht from Germany for now, everybody.  Take care.  We'll see you tomorrow for the run to the checkers, and for a second report on what happens after the restart of this motor race.

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