Sunday, September 27, 2020

Nurburgring 24 Hours, the rest of the story

Well, as odd as it seemed with the rain pouring down last night when we left you for a break, the great race at the Nurburgring Nordschleife (a.k.a. “The Green Hell”) did continue.  Here’s how the rest of the race went down.  By the way, the red flag was displayed for almost ten hours, which surely allowed a rarity in a 24 hour race, for the drivers and the pit crews to actually get some shuteye.

Haase Takes Lead as Nurburgring 24 Hours Gets Back Underway

The battle is turned on at the sharp end, as BMW and Audi are slugging it out with four hours left on the board.

Audi, BMW Battling Out Front with Four Hours to Go

Rain returns for the final stages of this motor race.  How will that affect the outcome?  Read on for the thrilling conclusion.

BMW Takes Lead as Rain Returns for Closing Stages

The race is now done and dusted and the blokes from Bavaria, can celebrate!  BMW wins at the Nurburgring 24 Hours, for the first time in a decade!

ROWE Earns BMW’s First Nurburgring 24 Victory in 10 Years

Yours truly stayed with the race even through the rain delays, watching on the Motor Trend app the whole way, while getting some sleep as well.  Next year, will be a huge coin flip.  Apparently the Nurburgring and Le Mans are supposed to take place on the same weekend, in June of 2021.  Will have to see which race I ultimately choose to watch.  But for now, despite the weather delay, this one was a good one.  Auf wiedersehen from the Nurburgring.  There’s plenty more sports car racing action still to come.  Stay tuned for that.  So long, everyone.

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