Thursday, May 16, 2024

CP Racing Bow Out With 12H Spa Victory

American Mercedes-AMG squad victorious in it's final Hankook 24H Series appearance...

What a way for CP Racing to go out, on top.  Sad to see them retiring from the Creventic 24 Hour Series.  A stalwart team, and being the American team on the grid, my favorite in the championship.  It was the right time to stop, apparently, as the drivers are true sports car racing veterans.  Charles Putman, Charles Espenlaub, Shane Lewis, and Joe Foster, have all been doing this endurance racing thing for a long, long time.  

Happy retirement, gentlemen.  You have most definitely earned it after a decorated career in the 24 Hour Series.  We will miss you all at the track, though.  That is for sure.  


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