Sunday, June 26, 2022

6 Hours of Watkins Glen: Hour 6 (the finish, Part 1)

Into the final hour here at The Glen and as you know, Mother Nature is holding up proceedings with the rain.  We are waiting for an all clear on the weather if there is no more lightning to worry about.  We could see a sprint to the end here.  Last year in the sprint race in July it was the same scenario.  My buddies at Action Express Racing won that one.  Now, will they come back?  They are in fourth spot right now and will be racing hard with the other DPi contenders.  Yours truly has been on pins and needles all season wondering when AXR can break through.  Will today be the day?  We'll have to wait and find out.  One of the safety vehicles still on the road checking for the lightning to go away.  11 turns and 3.4 miles on this circuit.  First race of all five classes since Sebring.  Third of four endurance races this year.

As we said, this was a Formula 1 venue for nearly two decades between 1961 and 1980.  If the sky is clear and we have no lightning, we can get back to it with 48 minutes left.  Cloud cover and a wee bit of drizzle.  The wind picked up.  Our friends at Peacock, and NBC Sports have found the Watkins Glen ice cream machine.  We are going to take a break for a bit, everybody.  We wonder when the race will get back going again.  I think I will leave it here for the time being and probably start another post because right now there's not much to talk about and we don't want to be talking about rain because that would be boring.

We want to speak about this motor race and what is going to happen before it is all done and dusted.  

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